We are always happy to see our products helping you to accomplish your goals. However if you think you need to get a refund, please, read the section below.
Since we provide non-tangible, irrevocable goods, we do not issue refunds for digital products once the order is confirmed and product is sent. Please note that we offer digital products, not services, so there is no way to close access to the files that you’ve already received.
The Consumer Rights Act gives you rights to claim against the seller if your digital download is faulty. As a seller, we can issue a refund if there is a technical problem and we can’t help you to resolve the matter.
We consider a technical problem to be one of the following:
- Non-delivery of the product: due to some mailing issues of your e-mail provider or your own mail server, you might not receive a delivery email from us. In this case, we recommend contacting us for assistance.
- Major defects: although all the products are thoroughly tested before release, unexpected errors may occur. Such issues must be reported directly to our technical support.
If you have any questions regarding our refund and return policy, please mail us at [email protected]